PLAS will close on Monday (Aug 21) at 11:30 am

Dear Patriot Family,
As you know on Monday, August 21, 2017 we will experience a solar eclipse. After a meeting with a NASA representative this week, I have decided that it will be in the best interest of our students, faculty and staff to dismiss at 11:30 am. AISA has approved this dismissal due to the risk associated with this event to our students that could occur if they cannot be kept indoors, during the entire time of exposure from 12:04 pm until 3:02 pm. As you can see lunch time and dismissal time for most students would be at the peak of the eclipse and we do not want to risk any student looking at the eclipse without proper eye wear, approved by ISO, which is not available in our area at this time.
I feel that it is impossible for our teachers to monitor every student and ensure that they are wearing ISO approved safety protective glasses, therefore, it is in the best interest of the students to dismiss and get home before the event starts. At home they can watch it on television, on the internet, NASA is live streaming, or safely watch with parents within safe guidelines as outlined by NASA. We are sending a Solar Eclipse Information Sheet home with this letter to inform you of the dangers and how to safely view this event with your child (http:// eclipse2017.nasa. gov/safety)
Remember Monday night, August 21 is our Annual Foundation Meeting at 6 pm. This year we will host an Open House for K-4 through 6th grades from 5:15 - 5:55 and an Open House for High School immediately following the Foundation meeting for 45 minutes. This will allow you an opportunity to meet the teachers that teach your child/children!
I hope that you understand our concern for your child is the decision to dismiss at 11:30 am on Monday. I hope to see each of you at the Foundation Meeting Monday night!
Rebecca Baggett Headmaster